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dreams deserted...

what is a dream?

how do you define... "dream"?

Is it just some far reaching achievement

that seems epic yet unattainable... or

is it a concrete goal you feel

compelled to pursue?

however you define dreams

and regardless of achievements,

I believe our dreams will come to

us in our final days of life...

let me float this idea by you...

you're on your back...

your life is at its end

and people enter

your hospital room...

you don't recognize these people

nor do you know why they are there...

They are crying, sobbing...

looking at you with deep sadness

and profound disappointment...

you breathe your last few breaths and

as the energy begins fading from

your body, they ask you:

why quit on me?

why put a timeline on me?

what if you gave me another shot?




you begin to realize these

"beings" aren't people...

but figures representing your dreams.


This day terrifies me..

the day I have to explain

myself... to myself...

I heard this story told in a speech

by Eric Thomas and it changed

the way I look at life...

Billboards and television

aren't the goal for music...

For me,

my why is


it's the single most important

characteristic humanity has

to achieve peace..

and I believe

bringing souls together

is what music does best.

I fell in LOVE with music

because of its healing nature...

because of it's super power ability

to unite our hearts and minds...

as a creator of music I feel

I have a responsibility to promote

love and ensure music is utilized

as a tool to feed the good wolf...

I often feel in music that

i'm aboard a sail boat pulling into

new ports with each opportunity...

other times I feel as though

I'm on an endless journey

looking to pave a path

through a desert of uncertainty...

life itself is far too quick

and I feel more and more each year

that I want to leave this place

knowing I chased the sun...

knowing I pursued a desire

to unite hearts and minds through

this interdimensional form of art...

most of all, assuring that

when I am faced with those

"beings" from the story told above,

I can eliminate the tears and regret.

You can't touch music

you can't see music

it's invisible and out of our physical grasp...

yet we adore it and living without it

is simply unfathomable...

just like love...

...something i'm

I'm surrounded by...

from the support of family and friends

to our listeners and the best

hometown on the planet...

this year has been a trying one...

but I have all the reasons in the world

never to let these dreams be deserted.


2020 has brought me wisdom

and a validation that music for me

is more about love and unity than

anything else...

This coming weekend in Newport, R.I.

(Oct 16 &17)

my band and I get to perform

two intimate showcase concerts...

and I couldn't be more excited.

You can reserve a table now at

thank you for always supporting me,

for showing up and listening

and for being the best part of the music.

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